Saving money can be a challenge at any age. We’re regularly being tempted to buy the newest clothes every season, or to upgrade our tech to the latest and greatest gadget. While it may seem like a near impossible task, we’ve partnered with NH Jump$tart to share three tips to help you set yourself up for future financial success at any age. The fundamentals of how to spend, save, and share are at the core of the NH Jump$tart programs as a guide to making decisions regarding your money.
- Make a budget. Creating and sticking to a budget is one of the best ways you can save money. Making a budget doesn’t mean you have to give up fun for the rest of your life but it will help you to see where your money is going each month – helping you to adjust your spending and allocate funds to saving, bills and entertainment appropriately.
- Don’t wait to save for your future. Putting away just a few dollars each week can have a big impact. Use your budget to see how much money you can put into your savings account each month. If you’re of working age check to see if your employer offers a 401(k) account for an easy way to begin investing in your future.
- Start an emergency fund. Another good way to save for financial stability is to start an emergency fund. Higher yield account options like Certificate of Deposits, Money Markets, or a high-interest savings account can help you get more for your money faster. Our Prestige Money Market Accounts offer competitive interest rates and the security of fully insured deposits. Read our blog “What’s the DIF?” to learn more about deposit insurance.
One of their programs that BankProv is proud to be a part of is their “I Can Save!” tour. The “I Can Save” campaign is designed to encourage second grade elementary school children to begin a savings habit that can continue throughout their lives.
NH Jump$tart volunteers visit with elementary schools throughout the Granite State during the academic year to provide students the opportunity to learn the importance of saving while exploring the differences between needs and wants. Students also share ideas about personal resources (talent, time, skills) they possess to help others.
With the program, each student receives a Centsables™ moneybox after participating in an interactive lesson. The Centsables are six lovable superheroes with a single goal: to help kids acquire sound money management skills and habits to begin their lifetime of financial security. They have received numerous national awards for their efforts, and we are pleased to be partnering with them for the I Can Save program!
About NH Jump$tart
Officially organized in 2000, New Hampshire Jump$tart is a statewide, all volunteer, non-profit association dedicated to improving the personal financial literacy of children in the Granite State. The mission of the NH Jump$tart Coalition is to advance youth financial literacy and financial equity, through communication, collaboration, and support for effectiveness in financial education.
Ready to start saving?
Contact our Client Services Team at 877-487-2977 or visit a branch nearest you to learn more about our high-yield account options and start saving today. Find a branch location.