For the second year in a row, BankProv has partnered with the New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NH MEP) as part of an ongoing workforce development effort in the Granite State's largest industry.
“What started as a 1-day event to celebrate manufacturing across the state, has become a month-long celebration, where young students are able to explore the opportunities available in the manufacturing industry here in New Hampshire,” explains Zenagui Brahim, President of NH MEP.
"Creation of manufacturing jobs, as well as opportunities to develop and expand NH’s workforce, continues to have a measurable impact on New Hampshire's economy.” explains Dave Mansfield, BankProv CEO. “Through this partnership, we are able to help support workforce development, including internships, apprenticeships and job training for students and adults interested in learning a trade necessary to sustain manufacturing in our state.”
BankProv was named the official sponsor of the 2018 Manufacturing Month for the second year in a row at the October 5th kick-off event at Next Phase Medical Device in Rochester, NH.
“The manufacturing sector is the largest contributor to the state's economy, and it provides the highest paying jobs in the state,” Brahim said. “By its financial contribution, BankProv shows it is engaged with manufacturers in our state, and wants to do more for manufacturing. The bank’s support allows us to conduct our outreach program with high schools and middle schools, to schedule tours so that students can visit neighboring manufacturers and learn about career opportunities in manufacturing. And allows us work closely with manufacturers all year long to develop programs that provide training for the critical skill sets needed by NH manufacturers.”
As part of the NH Manufacturing Month, NH MEP has published the second issue of Cool Stuff Made in New Hampshire magazine geared toward middle and high school students who are exploring manufacturing careers. The magazine features manufacturer profiles and employee testimonials, and highlights the benefits of working in the manufacturing field. The magazine will be distributed to every single student visiting manufacturers during Manufacturing Month, all NH manufacturers, and all high schools in the State of NH.
“New Hampshire is a small state with an aging manufacturing workforce population that will retire soon, and we need to build that workforce,” Brahim said. “We need to engage bright young people and show them that manufacturing is changing rapidly, as well. Having students visit manufacturers will show them that manufacturing is no longer what it was – it is cleaner, it is a career with great benefits and it's high-technology oriented.”
“Speaking at Next Phase Medical Device was a fantastic opportunity for us to tour the facility of a high-tech and growing manufacturer right here in our state as part of this year’s kick-off event,” explains Chuck Withee, President and Chief Lending Officer. “Next Phase’s employees were present during the event. It allowed us to see first-hand the high-level of talent we have here in New Hampshire. They are the ones that make it happen and it was a pleasure to meet all of them.”
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